So I was relieved that homecoming went off without too many issues. Here were some of the highlights, from least fun to most fun:
- One student was nominated to homecoming court as a well-publicized joke. So glad she was a good sport about it.
- Fiasco with shirt ordering, it should never be that hard to give people money.
- I was in charge of getting the floats around the track. Of course the first tractor stalled right in the middle
- The floats were AWESOME. The theme was superheroes and my favorite was the sophomore superman float. I should have taken pictures. However, the seniors won because they had service men and women, doctors, firemen, policemen, and teachers on their float, and who can not vote for those heroes?
- I decided to participate in the teacher tug-of-war at the homecoming pep rally. Let me tell you, middle school teachers are tough. We got our asses kicked.
- Favorite: One of my klutziest homeroom kids pantomimed my tug-of-war skills, starting off with "Who am I?" And then falling straight on her ass. It was so perfect.
I am so glad it's over... until next year!