You should write a blog dedicated to your awkward teaching stories. I know there are lots. and I need more laughing (at you) in my life.”

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Imma be famous

I had a discussion the other day with one of my students in efforts to convince him that his high school diploma, and therefore at least making an effort to pass my class, was important.
"How many millionaires do you know who don't have their high school diploma?"
"Duh, like every rapper!" this point I am irked that I didn't consider that response and wondering if I should remind him that he's white and not Eminem.  I also am asked to name three rappers, which I finally nail with, of course, Eminem ("that's like the most obvious!"), 50-cent (that's like the second most popular!"), and TI but it takes me a few seconds and I make an eye-rolling mistake with Usher in the meantime.  Anyways, the student already replies with the fact that he's in a viral youtube video which I kind of shrug at, and tell him if he really wants to be famous he has to have a record deal and I might have bet him five dollars that he wouldn't.

So a couple of days later I'm in the teacher's lounge and this student comes up in conversation and one teacher says something to the effect of, I just can't take him seriously after seeing him try to stick a remote up his ass.  Huh? Yea, so you might have actually seen this video if you watch Tosh.O, and I had before and just didn't make the connection, but the two brothers from "The greatest freak out ever" are in my B2 block ICP class.  I'm not going to give him five dollars for being famous, but if you go watch the video, you might have a little more compassion for me.